Workers' Comp PD Calculator
Combine and calculate with confidence.
You'll soon notice some changes to the Gemini Ratings Calculator.
Case law, labor codes, AMA guidelines and California Schedule for Ratings will be embedded in the code and updated annually.
You'll be able to recall/pull up a case of prior ratings entered.
Accurate and easy to use.
Follows AMA Guides and California Laws
Accurate to Almaraz-Guzman and Kite case laws, and all California state laws.
Court-Ready Reporting
Renders a detailed report from doctor's WPI score through grouping and including FEC ranking all the way to corresponding entitlement.
Includes All Difficult Combination Rules
Musculo-skeletal regions, upper and lower extremities, Range of Motion (ROM) impairments, and more.
Simple Interface
Built-in error prevention and basic UI for ease of use.