SGV Webinar Q&A: IMR Made Simple

San Gabriel Valley Webinar Q&A: IMR Made Simple To join by Zoom at the time of the Q&A, use the link below. Meeting ID: 836 6456 0821 Passcode: @4Xkd3 One tap mobile +16699006833,,83664560821# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,83664560821# US

San Fernando Valley Q&A Webinar: IMR Simplified

Can the IMR process really be as simple as two steps? Join Gemini's expert panelists Hector Bautista, Jamie Johnson and Daniel Ferreyra, as they discuss the transparency and simplicity of Gemini's IMR process. The panelists will take questions from participants during the webinar. When the date and time arrive, use the below Zoom link to […]